Gaia Amore's leather partner located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India currently employs 7 artisans in the production of our shoes. All males between the ages of 21-42.
1. Prashant Madhukar aged 21 has no children.
2. Rakesh Kumar aged 42 has four children.
2 daughters: Atul aged 12 and Nikki aged 19
2 sons: Lacot aged 9 and Nikesh aged 17
3. Sanjay Kumar aged 36 has no children.
4. Kamarudin aged 42 has one son named Sultan aged (6).
5. Seraz aged 42 has 3 children.
2 daughters: Nazia aged 6 and Mantasha aged 12
1 son: Parvin aged 9
6. Akbar aged 35 has no children.
7. Sandeep Kumar aged 28 has 2 children.
1 daughter: Geeta aged 8
1 son: Vinod aged 10
Our artisans are all earning low wages and their families are living in poverty. Most of them live together with their families in crowded dwellings, sharing beds with no access to fans or means for cooling under the hot Indian sun. Unstable job security, unfair labor practices, and inability to grow business mean they're subsequently unable to make ends meet. They are working in menial conditions with dimly lit areas and no access to safety equipment. Although history and tradition have made them accustomed to these harsh working conditions, sitting on hard concrete floors for hours on end, day after day, they dream of better workspaces. They don't need much to make improvements to their lives, a few extra dollars per month goes a long way toward helping them provide nutrition, save for proper shelters or build homes for their families and properly educate their children.
It is therefore that Gaia Amore is committed to working with our leather partner to help our artisans improve their lives. By offering those who have children, tuition to send them to proper schools and those who don't have a home, and support to be able to afford a proper dwelling. With the sale of each shoe gives each artisan approximately an additional $13.00, which is the equivalent of their weekly wage. It is our promise to our artisans to ensure that by working with us, they're afforded means that make their lives easier and give them small joys to keep them motivated and look forward to in their lives.
Product Details
- Make: Hand-Painted & Hand-Carved
- Material: Leather Upper, Man-made sole
- Medium: Vegetable dyes
Tan-colored derby with hues of green and blue
Soft supple leather with ultra comfort padding
In the U.S. sizes 6-9
Color will not wear off during exposure to water. However, we suggest a coat of leather water protection before use to keep your sneaker beautiful longer.